Category: Podcast Episodes

Lobby Time X: The A-Sides

Ladies and gentlemen, due to Jack’s busy holiday schedule, I gave him the week off from our usual recording session.  However, we wouldn’t dream of leaving...

Episode #142 – Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

It’s the Grand Finale of this year’s Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza BonanzaPalooza and sadly, perhaps the last ever.  What better way to end this...

Episode #141 – Independence Day

Here we go yo, here we go yo, so the scenario is, it’s week 3 of the Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza BonanzaPalooza, and Erica...

Episode #140 – Cry-Baby

It’s week 2 of the Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza BonanzaPalooza!  This week Vince rolls with the John Water’s classic – Cry-Baby, starring the handsome...

Episode #139 – The Raid: Redemption

It’s December and that means it’s time for the Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza Bonanzapalooza.  This week’s pick (The Raid: Redemption), is courtesy of Co-Captain...

WTF? Themed Sex Toys

I know some of you were curious, so here’s some pics. If you decide to buy any, just tell them Vince and Jack sent you!